
Movement to Free the Thoracic Diaphragm

Liberate your diaphragm! Your whole body will thank you.

Continuing to free the breath! Our thoracic diaphragms are seriously misunderstood and under used. In this video we learn to release and articulate our diaphragms to dramatically refine and soften the breath.

The common perception that our diaphragms “move up and down” is a serious understatement of the capacity for movement and intelligence in this most critical of breathing structures.

In limiting our conceptual understanding and use of this critical breathing muscle we lock ourselves into rigidity in breathing, no matter how many times we “fill our lungs”.

This video is part of the Diaphragm Series.
Be sure to watch the previous video to provide important context for our inquiry.

And…if you are curious…

If you like, even more!

Oh! And this one too!!

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