When I spend time in the so-called 'natural world' (as though that were something separate from us), I am so easily aware of the vibration of love and joy in my body and beyond. But can easily forget it when seated in front of this machine. Thank you for the reminder!

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Yes, Laura.

🤦‍♀️ I have spent the last hour trying to transfer information from an old phone to a new one. Still in process! I have progressively tightened up everywhere in body and mind as I have tried one thing after another, wanting to avoid going to the "mall" and the Apple store for help.

Before that, this morning I took a dear friend's pranayama class online. It was just beautiful and brought into the body comfort, softness, receptivity, support, strength. Wonderful.

Reading your comment above has reminded me that I do have a choice about how I experience my life at every moment. Ha ha!!!

It is part of being a human that takes us into these swirls of consciousness that many times are not actually comfortable OR helpful.

Thank you for the reminder. 😘 I needed that!

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Ha! A cave of echoes where the reminded reminds the reminder. Good luck with your phone!

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Thank you Patty, very thought provoking for me. I suspect we have become divorced from Love as the ground of our being after centuries of hearing the story that we are apart from Nature and not part of Nature. That life is human-centric and human-supremacy is the natural order of things - I know that this is not the story told by many indigenous cultures and I’m aware I speak from a white, western perspective. For me, the beauty of humility and reverence for the interconnectedness of life and all living things has been degraded and devalued because of this story. And yet, Love keeps whispering, never tires of whispering, and if we can just make a habit of pausing to listen the story could change. 🙏❤️🌳

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Well said, Beverly. The deeply engrained concept of supremacy rears its head again! So many ways we have disconnected ourselves from our very nature.

Sometimes, I just think, "What is wrong with us?!"

Of course patanjali has said the ultimate truth about it, that we are deluded and erroneously perceive ourselves to be at the center of the universe rather than, as we are, simply part of a much larger whole.

But really!!! Meanness, inflicting terrible harm on one another, hate... What is wrong with us?

Can we not do better?

Yes, we can!!!

And we must.

Each of us, every day, in every way we can; acting with love — as it genuinely is the deepest level of our embodiment — is first and foremost.

I feel so honored to be able to communicate with you, Beverly, and that we can share our inquiries across the ocean!!

With love,


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Patty, we are so in a vibe together! It’s lovely. And yes, we each have to keep doing more of what we have been doing. We mustn’t get despondent or defeated because there is more that unites us than divides us.


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