Love this, Patty! I relate so much. I don't so much try to do anything with discontent, but I am constantly wishing away self-judgment, judging my inability to get past it! It's a tangled mess in there. I love your advice, and I will aim to enjoy my mind as I would a "two-year-old who has learned new ways to defy me." You made me smile and laugh at myself... Always a good start!! Thank you!

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Hi Patty! You articulate this conundrum of effort/acceptance so well. And your honesty is deeply appreciated. Someone shared this poem by Kabir with me recently as I toiled with the inability to accept life as it is! 😂 I think you will enjoy it too. Thank you so much for sharing.

We are all struggling, none of us

has gone far.

Let your arrogance go, and look

around inside.

The blue sky opens out farther

and farther

The daily sense of failure

goes away

the damage I have done to myself


A million suns come forward

with light,

When I sit firmly in this world.

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Just beautiful, Danielle. Thank you for sharing that glimpse of love and clarity.

Kabir can certainly be trusted to unveil the truth for us, over and over again! Thank god for those who do so.

I am very pleased to see that you have found me on Substack, Danielle! I have thought of you many times and hope that you and yours are doing well. It makes me happy to be able to share with you on this format.

With love, Patty

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Patty, this is the shit! Such a great share. Thank you for your honesty and your ability to write this stuff out. I smiled, laughed out loud and felt so connected in the chain of thought and experience. I have been practicing being satisfied with my chronic striving dissatisfaction. I’m laughing out loud again right now….i must be onto something. Deep love, deep thanks!

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Ahhh! Katie!

Thank you for sharing all these wild journey processes we go through together. Trying to tame and temper our aspirations...Even as we continue to aspire with such vigor! Hilarious, right? I have so much respect for your journey in life and yoga. Honesty, has always been a front and center quality of yours! I appreciate you immensely.

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