Thank you for this call to action. A call to find the love hiding in plain sight -- in the spaces all around us. No hiding it away for "safe keeping." These times demand that we connect with each, that we build and strengthen our interconnectedness and make it a visible support to all.
Wow! Patty, i so hear you from across the Pond; loud and clear. And, there’s nothing like starting the NY with the big existential question 😀 and somehow I think we are writing about the same themes again! I just finished a piece about how we can up our generosity game and create meaningful change when the world definitely seems to be in your grandmother’s proverbial hand-basket (we have that expression here too).
I am hopeful though, because what we do have power of is our attention and if we can starve the beasts of attention and direct it altruistically, we start to get a hint of different kind of world, with love or generosity as a driving force. X🙏
I just read your new article on the secret power of generosity. It's wonderful and I love that you give people prompts and ideas about how to actually DO that. For so many years we have all noted that "peace begins with me" but have we really acted with that at our cores? Now is the time! As noted in the Gita - we all "act". There is no one alive who is not "acting". There is no way to not act. It is our duty - our dharma - to act for the good of all. This is a very challenging injunction!! May we be and become up to the task...not easy.
Now in these critical times we are faced with really embracing the true urgency of really acting with integrity, generosity, and all times! What a challenge that is!!
Indeed, the world is really struggling right now. But I find peace in ... yes, the emptiness ... but also the feeling ... the understanding ... that new growth springs out of the old, so that every hand-basket that crashes and bursts into flames just creates ash and compost for the new life. It's everywhere when we choose to look. Thanks for these words on emptiness.
Hi Laura. Thank you for sharing your experience. Your perspective is the only one that ultimately makes sense to me too. We see nature's cycles and we know we are nature. It cannot always be sweetness and light - and, at the same time - I feel (as I know you do too) that the future is on each of us. No complaining without doing one's best to create a better world.
Every act counts. Everything is important
With love and gratitude for your presence here with me and us.
Thank you for this call to action. A call to find the love hiding in plain sight -- in the spaces all around us. No hiding it away for "safe keeping." These times demand that we connect with each, that we build and strengthen our interconnectedness and make it a visible support to all.
You add a key ingredient here, " and strengthen our interconnectedness and make it a visible support to all."
Exactly. thank you for this, Linda.
Wow! Patty, i so hear you from across the Pond; loud and clear. And, there’s nothing like starting the NY with the big existential question 😀 and somehow I think we are writing about the same themes again! I just finished a piece about how we can up our generosity game and create meaningful change when the world definitely seems to be in your grandmother’s proverbial hand-basket (we have that expression here too).
I am hopeful though, because what we do have power of is our attention and if we can starve the beasts of attention and direct it altruistically, we start to get a hint of different kind of world, with love or generosity as a driving force. X🙏
I just read your new article on the secret power of generosity. It's wonderful and I love that you give people prompts and ideas about how to actually DO that. For so many years we have all noted that "peace begins with me" but have we really acted with that at our cores? Now is the time! As noted in the Gita - we all "act". There is no one alive who is not "acting". There is no way to not act. It is our duty - our dharma - to act for the good of all. This is a very challenging injunction!! May we be and become up to the task...not easy.
Now in these critical times we are faced with really embracing the true urgency of really acting with integrity, generosity, and all times! What a challenge that is!!
Yes, and we can all start “close in” and trust in that ripple effect. 🙏 x
Indeed, the world is really struggling right now. But I find peace in ... yes, the emptiness ... but also the feeling ... the understanding ... that new growth springs out of the old, so that every hand-basket that crashes and bursts into flames just creates ash and compost for the new life. It's everywhere when we choose to look. Thanks for these words on emptiness.
Hi Laura. Thank you for sharing your experience. Your perspective is the only one that ultimately makes sense to me too. We see nature's cycles and we know we are nature. It cannot always be sweetness and light - and, at the same time - I feel (as I know you do too) that the future is on each of us. No complaining without doing one's best to create a better world.
Every act counts. Everything is important
With love and gratitude for your presence here with me and us.