I think this can be experienced from an all fours position, in a modified child pose, head lifted, forearms to the floor. The belly pressing into the thighs gives you one less thing to think about.

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That feels good, Laura. Thank you for the insight!

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I love this also Patty. I'm glad I found you here. Thanks so much for your generosity. Moving away from ideas of strength vs flexibility and towards resilience. You've given me lots to work with.

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I love everything about this....especially the nuance around up or down in the pelvic diaphragm. Coming from a Desikachar lineage (and lots of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen as well), I've come to understand that apana is generally MISTAUGHT as a 'down': it's real power is up. But that neither is law or necessarily happening. The exploration and possibility of new movement or awareness is more vitalizing than either understanding or what the body is actually doing. Thank you for this movement bite.

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Thank you for sharing that, Karin! Yes, yes, and yes!

What a wonderful background you have - and so easy to weave together - Desicachar, his father of course, Krishnamacharya, and Bonnie.

Bonnie once told me that she had a direct transmission from Krishnamachrya when she saw the picture of him as an older man where he is coming forward into uttanasana. (It may be the cover of one of Desicachar's books. ? ) It is such a beautiful image and I definitely see the deep weave of connection between what these two masters are offering in movement.

I so appreciate your presence here.


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