This is an embodied exploration into how consciousness moves through us and into action. Step by step we learn to open the door to greater patience and respect for our own life’s processes. We slow things down — just a bit — as we pay closer attention to who we are, what we want, and how to move with integrity toward our goals.
The process below is based on Developmental Movement principles elucidated by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. They originally arise inside as our brains and bodies grow over the first year of life. These organizational and supportive patterns remain with us our whole lives. Often we simply need to remember them as embodied realities. Sometimes we need to relocate, hone, or even find these pathways for the first time. It’s never too late!
The process:
YIELD: Inquire deeply to see what is actually presenting in any situation.
PUSH: Say “no” to what you don’t want.
REACH: Say “yes” to what you do want.
PULL: Draw the needed resources into yourself.
ABSORB: Allow yourself to fully receive the supportive offerings that are given.
TAKE ACTION: Compassionate and effective action arises from the wisdom and grounded presence that is revealed in this process.
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The article below is a downloadable PDF that goes into more depth about living these principles.
Moving into wholeness and connection through relationship
”The principle of support preceding action in Embodyoga®, as in Body-Mind Centering®, states that if we want to feel connected and integrated in our movement, we need to know where our support is coming from before we engage in any action at all.”
Hello everyone and a hearty welcome to new subscribers!
I hope you are enjoying some of the earlier posts and downloads available here. No need to read the manual portions before browsing through the newer offerings as they show up here! This is a more spiralic, rather than linear, approach to learning. Dip in anytime, anywhere.
Today’s post includes the downloadable PDF:
Support Precedes Action: Moving into wholeness and connection through relationship
These principles are so useful as we navigate our relationships to self, other and the world. Honestly, they apply to just about everything we do! Yoga’s practices form a great framework for learning how to live by these principles. They incorporate the meditative processes of dharana, dhyana, and samadhi (focusing, meditating, and witnessing life’s larger context). We are refining our awareness to pay deeper and closer attention to all we do.
These movements of body and consciousness build one upon the other.
Yield (coming into active relationship with what is) underlies everything else.
Yield: Yield to what actually is…accept it to be as it is, because it is. The reality is presenting right in front of you. See it as it actually is in this exact moment. Yes, you will take action. Yes, you can say yes or no to anything. Just establish this moment of true presence before you leap.
Push: Push what must be pushed away in order to move in a positive direction.
Reach: Reach for what you want and need.
Pull: Bring the gifts of support into yourself.
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Here is the article for download.
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