Here we sit together…the eye of the hurricane, the space between stimulus and response, the pause between the breaths. My dear friend said it is like sitting shiva. That is exactly what I feel. Suspended between doing and non-doing where the landscape is so altered that there is no way to make sense of it and the only hope is to just see it for what it is.
We can’t respond until we thoroughly absorb what has happened and yes, in this case, our culpability in it. We have a long deep dive before we fully get how we need to take personal responsibility for our part in this horror, stop fooling ourselves about who we are, and find the best — the most effective — action to move forward. Personally and together.
May our increasing self-honesty help us expand the resources of love inside. We can rise up! We just don’t know how yet.
With so much love and gratitude for you,
My first response was, 'I am no longer American. I am moving to Paris, if the airplane has room on it for my barn and mountain.' Back to reality, I will plot and plan what we all missed that this could have happened, to try to turn things around, (once we truth grieving into production). But today I am still wondering, "How could this have happened?" Lorna
So many of us here, across the pond, had been holding our breath, desperately wanting another outcome for so many reasons. Now we hold our breath again for we know the path of this storm is going to make landfall across the whole world with massive ramifications. But, as Margaret Atwood said: it is not the time for despair. Gotta rise up rooted like big beautiful trees and hang onto the mycelium of collective kindness 💛