In creating itself
the universe shattered
on purpose.
flying away
from one another
with unimaginable force.
Never not broken…
If not broken,
Nothing. No existence.
No one.
We say life is suffering.
Do we?
We want to be whole.
Never not broken…
Okay, disappointment.
Never not disappointed.
Get it?
It will never be without the supreme fracture..
It is not even meant to be whole.
Never not broken.
The pieces don't fit.
Remember this when it hurts.
I find it helpful.
Yes! And my favorite Hindu goddess (not that I'm terribly well-versed in this) Akhilandeshvari -- Never Not Broken. xo
Thank you, Patty. Just what I needed to read this morning, from you, the person who taught me how to sit with the discomfort of the brokenness and the yearning for wholeness, union.