Let's Talk About It!
Join the Conversation! Let's share thoughts. Let's engage critical thinking and release yoga from its hierarchical leanings into inclusiveness and respect for life. All of manifest existence.
Thank you so much for checking in with me here! I am excited to have found this format for sharing stories and insights from my more than 50 years of participating in the rising of yoga in the west. Yoga has spread into this huge web of pop culture—for the most part, diluted and unmoored from discriminative thinking.
The fires of living have taught me to be respectful. But, I do have opinions. I love yoga. I have also disliked yoga. Have felt betrayed by its philosophy and then come around to a fresh understanding of what the feminization of yoga — bringing it into the body, into our actual direct and lived experience — can offer.
Yup. No more hierarchical thinking about pure and impure, good and bad, better and less than. Leaving behind the philosophy of transcendence, the “up and out” . We are all about the down and in. The relationality, integrity in action, honesty and sensitivity.
Yes insight!
Yes, clarity, inspiration, joy and love!
And yes…muck, sorrow, and pain.
All of it.
I hope you will subscribe and we can dialogue about this too.
I’m planning to post every other week or so…not too much.
Not too little.
Join me?
Till then.